• INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
    INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
  • INAH-Mediateca/Teresa Galindo
    INAH-Mediateca/Teresa Galindo
  • INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
    INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
  • INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
    INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
Museo Regional de La Laguna
A modern building in the Torreón park known as the Venustiano Carranza Forest, houses fine archeological examples from La Laguna (of the Paoqui, Cavisero, Ahomane, Anuopa, Irritila and other tribes), some pre-Hispanic pottery and the Licio Lagos Collection of pre-Hispanic art as well as ethnic costumes.

About the museum
This museum holds archeological objects from the region which hold great historical value for the inhabitants of the desert and the north of Mexico. The Laguna region is shared by two states in Mexico (Coahuila and Durango) and this museum benefits the whole area. Its predecessor was the Laguna Cultural Centre, founded on November 6, 1970, by a group of distinguished citizens who wanted to publicize and exhibit the region’s heritage by means of a museum in the city of Torreón. When an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (who had previously explored the Cueva de la Candelaria, located in the heart of the La Laguna region) discovered a significant number of mortuary bundles and other archeological objects, it became imperative to create a space which would allow for research, preservation and exhibition of these objects. Therefore, on November 22, 1976, the La Laguna Regional Museum opened its doors.

It has four permanent exhibition rooms. The first focuses on ‘Regional archeology’. This room exhibits the objects found in the Cueva de la Candelaria, mostly artifacts and instruments used by the Laguna tribes (Paoquis, Caviseros, Ahomanes, Anuopas, Irritalas, among others), as well as clothing and human remains. The second is ‘Central America’. It exhibits ceramic pieces from the Oaxaca area, the Gulf, the Mayan region, the West of Mexico and the Central Highlands. Next is the Licio Lagos Collection. It holds reproductions inspired by pre-Hispanic pieces from different Mesoamerican cultures, made by modern-day craftsmen and donated by the famous architect from Veracruz. Lastly is Ethnography. This exhibits clothing and objects belonging to groups from the states of Michoacán, Chiapas, Coahuila, Oaxaca and Guerrero.
November 1970
November 1976
INAH-Biblioteca José Luis Lorenzo Bautista
Luis Aveleyra Arroyo de Anda exploring the Cueva de la Candelaria, Coahuila
INAH-Biblioteca José Luis Lorenzo Bautista
Mortuary bundle discovered in the Cueva de la Candelaria, Coahuila
INAH-Biblioteca José Luis Lorenzo Bautista
Archeology team, Cueva de la Candelaria, Coahuila
INAH-Biblioteca José Luis Lorenzo Bautista
Mortuary bundle in the Cueva de la Candelaria, Coahuila
INAH-Biblioteca José Luis Lorenzo Bautista
Archeology rescue work, Cueva de la Candelaria, Coahuila
INAH-Biblioteca José Luis Lorenzo Bautista
Francisco González Rul in the Cueva de la Candelaria, Coahuila
INAH-FN/Fondo Museógrafos Mexicanos
Íker Larrauri, Guillermo Bonfil and another person during the handover of the building of the La Laguna Regional Museum.
Practical information
Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 16:30 hrs.

$80.00 pesos

  • Extra fee for video cameras
  • Extra fee for photo cameras
  • Extra fee for professional cameras
  • Sundays free for Mexican citizens
  • Free entrance for Mexicans under 13 years old
  • Free entrance for Mexican students and teachers
  • Free entry for seniors
  • pensioners and retirees with ID
  • No Smoking
  • No entry with food
  • Pets not allowed
Avenida Juárez s/n, interior del Bosque Venustiano Carranza, Colonia Centro, C.P. 27000, Torreón, Coahuila, México.

Coming from the East on Blvd. Independencia, turn onto Mariano López Ortiz street or, from the West via Juarez avenue from the Historical Center.

  • Accesibilidad
  • Biblioteca
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  • Sanitarios
  • Toma corriente
  • Visitas guiadas
  • Wifi
  • +52 (871) 713 95 45
    +52 (871) 722 15 68
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gretel de la Peña Villarreal
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+52 (871) 713 95 45, ext. 148200
María Elizabeth Ruiz Galindo
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+52 (871) 713 95 45, ext. 148201
Técnico administrativo especializado
Martha Elizabeth Gallegos Flores
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+52 (871) 713 95 45, ext. 148202
Técnico administrativo especializado
Jorge Ángel Barajas Sánchez
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+52 (871) 713 95 45, ext. 148203
Asistente de Asesor Educativo
Paola Blacio González
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+52 (871) 713 95 45, ext. 148204
Profesor investigador
Leticia González Arratia
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+52 (871) 713 95 45, ext. 148206
Técnico especializado en bibliotecas
María del Refugio Lozano Mejía
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+52 (871) 713 95 45, ext. 148207
Colección del museo
Museo Regional de La Laguna
Museo Regional de La Laguna
Museo Regional de La Laguna
Museo Regional de La Laguna
Museo Regional de La Laguna
Museo Regional de La Laguna
Museo Regional de La Laguna
INAH-Mediateca/Teresa Galindo
INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
Facade, La Laguna Regional Museum
INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna
Facade, La Laguna Regional Museum
Texto © CONACULTA.INAH.Museo Regional de La Laguna CNME Imágenes © CONACULTA.INAH.Dirección de Medios Archivo © CONACULTA.INAH.Fototeca CNME.Gliserio Castañeda
Centro INAH Coahuila
INAH-Museo Regional de La Laguna


The contents of this website belong to the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México, and may be downloaded and shared without alterations, provided that the author is acknowledged and if is not for commercial purposes.

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