Museo de Sitio Xochicalco
An ecological museum, a pioneer in Mexico, which through its rooms narrates the history, environment, worldview, technology, contributions and development of the indigenous city of Xochicalco.

Archeological site
About the museum
The Xochicalco Site Museum exists to complement the experience of those visiting the archeological zone. It does so by informing them about pre-Hispanic history while preserving and protecting remains found on site, as well as obeying the guiding principle of sustainability. Visitors can interact with the museum through exhibits, activities, workshops, conferences, courses, and a cinema and theater.

The Museum’s collection consists of archeological pieces recovered from the zone at different stages of its surveying and excavation. These range from the simplest pottery to highly complex sculptures decorated with intricate symbols.

Conceived by the Mexican architect Rolando J. Dada y Lemus and occupying more than 4.4 acres, it is the first ecological museum in the world. It conveys and uses natural light, solar cells to transform sunlight into electricity, and captures rainwater on its roofs for storage in underground tanks, whilst wastewater is treated for watering the gardens.

The Xochicalco Site Museum has six galleries and was inaugurated in 1996 to display objects from the archeological explorations of recent years, including the sculpture known as the “Red Man.” It also displays the history of Xochicalco from the eighth to the tenth century, as well as analyzing territorial aspects, trade relations with other towns and the close relationship the people of Xochicalco had with the flora and fauna. Moreover, it reveals their different social strata, the importance of war and the priesthood to their society, the city’s architectural elements, their skill at manufactuing both religious and everyday working objects. It evokes the importance of the ritual associated with the Mesoamerican ballgame, as well as conveying the atmosphere of their residential spaces with the recreation of a dwelling.

Visitors can appreciate the eastern side of the pre-Hispanic city through a large window in the building’s introductory gallery, which is also used for displaying temporary exhibits.
October 1996
Practical information
Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Last access 4:00 p.m.

Included in the entrance to the Archaeological Zone.

A 38 kilómetros de la ciudad de Cuernavaca, entre los municipios de Temixco y
Miacatlán. Carretera Federal Xochicalco-Tetlama s/n,
Colonia Xochicalco, C.P. 62609,
Miacatlán, Morelos, México.

Desde la Ciudad de México, tomar la Carretera Federal 95 hacia Cuernavaca, o bien la carretera de cuota y una vez ahí, seguir hacia Acapulco hasta llegar a Alpuyeca, de ahí tomar hacia Miacatlán y a 8 km en el poblado de Xochicalco tomar hacia la derecha hacia la Carretera Federal Xochicalco-Tetlama hasta recorrer 4 km más para llegar a la Zona Arqueológica.

Free entry to national visitors:

- Children under 13 years old.

- People over 60 years old.

- Teachers and students with a valid ID.

- Pensioners and retirees with ID.

- People disabled.

- Tourist guides accredited by the Federal Tourism Ministry.

- People belonging to indigenous communities adjacent to the site with valid ID proving their address.

On Sundays, admission is free for the entire national public and for foreigners residing in Mexico.

Video recording fee

Do not take photographs with flash, do not touch the pieces.

Prohibited items: Pets, unmanned aerial vehicles, packages or backpacks, tripods, weapons, food or alcoholic beverages, helmets and cigarettes.

  • Accesibilidad
  • Estacionamiento
  • Sanitarios
  • +52 (737) 374 30 91; +52 (737) 374 30 92
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
José Cuauhtli Alejandro Medina Romero
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+52 (737) 374 30 90
Alejandro Orozco Jaimez
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+52 (737) 374 30 91
Departamento de Comunicación Educativa
Ángel Gómez Hernández
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+52 (737) 374 3092
Seguridad interna
Plácido Miranda López
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+52 (737) 374 3091
Museo de Sitio Xochicalco
Tetlama, armonía con lo sagrado
Exposición Temporal
Museo de Sitio Xochicalco
Museo de Sitio Xochicalco
Museo de Sitio Xochicalco
18.803794, -99.295545
Texto © CONACULTA.INAH.Museo de Sitio de Xochicalco CNME Imágenes © CONACULTA.INAH.Fototeca CNME.Gliserio Castañeda
Centro INAH Morelos


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