Museo de Sitio Uxmal
Shows the ancient technique for collecting and storing rainwater: cysterns, tanks, ducts and drains. It also houses some fine Puuc style sculptures: religious and stately pieces, examples of writing and the village. It shows how the ancient Maya lived in close harmony with nature.
About the museum
Practical information
Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 17:00 hrs. Last entry 16:00 hrs. Maximum capacity 250 people per day. 50 people at time
Included in the entrance to the Archeological Site
Antigua carretera a Campeche km 78,
C.P. 97890,
Santa Elena, Yucatán, México.
C.P. 97890,
Santa Elena, Yucatán, México.
From the city of Mérida take federal highway 261 in the direction of Santa Elena.
+52 (997) 976 21 25