• Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
    Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
  • Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
    Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
  • Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
    Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco
The principal Tlaxcalan fiefdom in 1519, with the remains of a temple built a century before, whose mural paintings show Tezcatlipoca on fire and other symbols of religious sacrifice, such as Xiuhcatl, or the fire serpent descending like a stream of blood.

Archeological site
About the museum
The museum displays objects from the Tlaxcalan culture found in excavations of areas close to the pre-Hispanic temple. The culture is characterized by its codex-style polychrome ceramics, which portray an important cult to Tezcatlipoca with representations of human sacrifice rituals.

The building was fitted out in 1991 to store the archeological collection amassed from the excavation seasons to that date. It has two exhibition galleries and a room for research. It has around 750 pieces including stone and clay sculptures, obsidian arrow tips, bone needles, spindle whorls (malacates) and an important collection of ceramics. The display also includes burials with offerings.

The building has wide stone walls and a tiled roof. The facade and back wall are decorated with details from pre-Hispanic mural paintings and polychrome ceramics that have been found at the site.

The Ocotelulco site museum has a garden with plants used in pre-Hispanic times such as various species of agave, nopal and avocado. There are also trees which came to this land with the arrival of the Spanish, such as peaches, lemons and oranges.
March 1991
Practical information
Tuesday to Sunday from 10: 00 to 16: 00 hrs.

Free admission

  • Sundays free for Mexican citizens
  • Free entrance for Mexicans under 13 years old
  • Free entrance for Mexican students and teachers
  • Free entry for seniors
  • pensioners and retirees with ID
  • No Smoking
  • No entry with food
  • Pets not allowed
Avenida San Francisco s/n (Prolongación Benito Juárez),
C.P. 90165, San Francisco Ocotelulco
Totolac, Tlaxcala, México.

From the city of Tlaxcala, take Julián Carrillo avenue and the junction with Xicoténcatl avenue, which lead to the town of San Francisco Ocotelulco.

By highway, take Carretera Federal 117 D.

  • Accesibilidad
  • Biblioteca
  • Sanitarios
  • Visitas guiadas
  • +52 (246) 144 5832
Encargado del museo
José Eduardo Contreras Martínez
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+52 (246) 144 5832
Colección del museo
Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco
Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco
Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH
Texto © CONACULTA.INAH.Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco CNME Imágenes © CONACULTA.INAH.Fototeca CNME.Gliserio Castañeda
Centro INAH Tlaxcala
Museo de Sitio de Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala-INAH


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