Experts opinion
145 Opinions
Museo de la Fotografía del Sistema Nacional de Fototecas
Juan Carlos Valdez Marín
Dirección del Sistema Nacional de Fototecas
El Tajín
El Tajín is a reminder that respect and balance is for the common good: care for the environment and humankind’s continued survival.
Patricia Castillo Peña
Centro INAH Veracruz
Templo Mayor
The Templo Mayor teaches us that the past is the reason for the present and also the foundation of the future.
Carlos Javier González González
Museo Nacional de Historia Castillo de Chapultepec
Salvador Rueda Smithers
Museo Nacional de Historia, Castillo de Chapultepec
Ex Convento de San Nicolás de Tolentino
Gabriel Rivera Madrid
Centro INAH Hidalgo
Ramón López Valenzuela
Zona Arqueológica de Cuicuilco