Luna Espinosa Pavel
Pavel Luna Espinosa
Museo del Caracol, Galería de Historia

History graduate of the UNAM Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. He contributed to the BiCentenario journal of the José María Luis Mora Research Institute, as well as to electronic publications. He was the script writer of the radio clips “Paisajes sonoros de la Galería de Historia,” produced in collaboration with Radio INAH. He has curated several exhibitions and has coordinated a number of history workshops targeted at children and young people. He is a member of the seminar: “1960: Arte y Museos en el Año de la Patria”, coordinated by Dr. Alicia Azuela of the Aesthetics Research Institute. He is currently head of research and dissemination at the History Gallery, where he has been based for the last three years.
Luna Espinosa
Luna Espinosa Pavel


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