
María del Rosario Bravo
Centro INAH Querétaro
Restoration graduate of the INAH National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museum Studies. Since 1994 she has worked in supervisory, assessment, advisory, monitoring, research and planning roles for INAH, in projects focused on the conservation and restoration of buildings, fixtures and fittings. She has been a member of the Internal National Council for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, as well as of the Specialty Council. For the last eight years she has worked for the Conservation and Restoration Department of the Queretaro INAH Center. She has published articles on conservation in journals and specialist books. She is currently working on a research project on a group of easel paintings called “Escenas de la Sagrada Familia” [Scenes of the Sacred Family] in the Queretaro Regional Museum together with the Heritage Image Analysis and Diagnostic Laboratory of the College of Michoacan.