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  • INAH-CINAH Estado de México
    INAH-CINAH Estado de México
  • INAH-CINAH Estado de México
    INAH-CINAH Estado de México
House on the plain
The prosperous city of Matlazinca, between the Mexica empire and the Purépecha zone of influence. Conquered by the Mexicas in 1474, the remains date from this period. Notable for the rounded bases of the Temple of Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl, with its tzompantli (wall of skulls).
About the site
Otomi, Teotihuacano, Toltec, Mazahua, Matlatzinca and Nahua groups settled in the Toluca Valley in pre-Hispanic times.

Olmec-influenced organized groups invaded in the Preclassic period (1000 BC to 150 AD). From 250 AD, the Teotihuacanos occupied the Toluca Valley and Calixtlahuaca, as well as other sites, owing to the diversity of resources they offered for subsistence. It was the Teotihuacanos who introduced customs and rites such as the Mesoamerican ballgame and the cult of Quetzalcóatl and Tláloc.

When Teotihuacan fell, there was a Toltec invasion of Calixtlahuaca. The Toltecs were then supplanted by the Matlatzincas, who called themselves the Nepinthathuhui (“those from the land of maize”). Their zenith lasted between 1116 and 1476.

Between 1472 to 1476, the Mexicas (together with Axayácatl and the Triple Alliance) conquered the Matlatzincas under the command of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin and imposed the payment of tribute, as shown in the Tribute Roll.

The Calixtlahuaca-San Marcos Archeological Monument Zone is distributed along a segment of Cerro Tenismó. Monuments 13, 14 and 15, which are not open to the public, are located on the hilltop. Monuments 5 and 6 (South and West monuments) stand halfway up the hillside. These form the group known as El Panteón ("The Cemetery"). Meanwhile, monuments 4 and 7, together with the tzompantli, make up the Tláloc group. Monuments 8, 9, 10 and 11 are not accessible to visitors. Finally, monuments 1 and 3 are located on the lower hillside, and groups 16 and 17 (Calmécac) are on the plain.

The building complexes located on the flank of Cerro Tenismó stand on terraces which were leveled out and then filled in and supported by thick retaining walls.

A tour of the monuments open to the public takes approximately two hours.
People on the circular plinth at Calixtlahuaca
General view of the Temple of Ehécatl in Calixtlahuaca
Front view of the Temple of Ehécatl
Plaza de Calixtlahuaca, partial view
250 - 1521

Preclásico a Posclásico Tardío
1116 - 1474

Posclásico Tardío

Did you know...
  • The site retains traces of the various groups that lived there, such as Otomi, Teotihuacanos, Toltecs, Mazahuas, Matlatzincas and Nahuas.
  • More than 50 petroglyphs have been found related to symbols of water, fire, wind, or referring to deities such as Ehécatl Quetzalcóatl.
An expert point of view
María del Carmen Carbajal Correa
María del Carmen Carbajal Correa
Centro INAH Estado de México
Archeological site
Practical information
Temporarily closed
Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:30 hrs.

$75.00 pesos

  • Extra fee for video cameras
  • Extra fee for professional cameras
  • Discount for senior Mexican citizens
  • Sundays free for Mexican citizens
  • Free entrance for Mexicans under 13 years old
  • Free entrance for Mexican students and teachers
La zona arqueológica de Calixtlahuaca se localiza en el poblado del mismo nombre, a 9 km al norte de Toluca, Estado de México, y a aproximadamente 74 kilómetros de la Ciudad de México.

From Mexico City, take the Mexico-Toluca highway, continue on highway 55 Toluca-Atlacomulco, and exit at km 3, heading west. Cross the town of Calixtlahuaca towards Tecaxic and follow the signs to the archeological zone, located in Cerro Tenismó.

  • Módulo de información
  • +52 (722) 215 9560
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Responsable Académica
María del Carmen Carbajal Correa
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+52 (722) 213 9581
INAH-CINAH Estado de México
INAH-CINAH Estado de México
Altiplano Central
Ciudad matlazinca muy próspera, entre el imperio mexica y la zona purépecha. Conquistada por los mexicas en 1474, sus restos corresponden a esta época. Destacan el Templo de Ehécatl-Quetzalcóatl, de bordes curvos y con un tzompantli.
The prosperous city of Matlazinca, between the Mexica empire and the Purépecha zone of influence. Conquered by the Mexicas in 1474, the remains date from this period. Notable for the rounded bases of the Temple of Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl, with its tzompantli (wall of skulls).
Casa en la llanura
House on the plain


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